CEPIS – Council of European Professional Informatics Societies
Slovenská informatická spoločnosť
Katedra informatiky FMFI UK

V piatok 31.5.2024 od 9:00 sa v posluchárni C na FMFI UK konala minikonferencia o vzdelávaní učiteľov informatiky a vyučovaní informatiky, ktorú organizovala CEPIS pracovná skupina pre vzdelávanie v spolupráci so Slovenskou informatickou spoločnosťou a Katedrou informatiky FMFI UK ako jedno z podujatí pri príležitosti 50. výročia vzniku katedry.

Informatics Teachers Education, Curricula, and Technology in Teaching Informatics

9:00 - 10:30 Informatics Teacher Education

Branislav Rovan - 42 years of informatics teachers education in Slovakia
Anna Beata Kwiatkowska – Informatics Teacers Education in Poland  (online)
Daniela Tuparova – Informatics Teachers Education in Bulgaria
Irene Bell - Do teachers understand their pupils' engagement with social media?  (online)
Ali Yazici - Survey of curricula for Informatics teachers education

11:00 – 12:30 Perspectives of Informatics Education at School

Jan Lepeltak - Lessons learned in introducing informatics in secondary schools. Successes and failures
Maciej Syslo - Informatics in Polish schools, current situation and challenges (online)
Ivan Kalaš - Informatics can start early. And rightly so.
Leon Frischauf - From conventional schoolbooks to completely digital lessons: How can digitalization be embedded in a classroom in a meaningful way?

13:30 – 15:30 AI and Technology in School Education

Jan Lepeltak - Draft core objectives for digital literacy in the Netherlands
Pierfranco Ravotto – First experiences of using AI in Italian schools.
Tilman Michaeli - AI in K12 education  (online)
Branislav Rovan – Is using technology beneficial only?
Gerald Futschek - MOOCs for informatics essentials
Judith Gal-Ezer - Inf4All and ACM Europe Activities in Informatics Education

Venue: Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics of the Comenius University in Bratislava https://fmph.uniba.sk/en/contact/how-to-get-here/ enter the Mathematics Pavilion and follow the signs to the meeting room.

Program na stiahnutie nájdete tu (Program_minikonfINH2024 ).