Minikonferencia Stratégie pre vzdelávanie učiteľov informatiky

CEPIS – Council of European Professional Informatics Societies


Slovak Society for Computer Science



Strategies for Informatics Teachers Education

was held on June 21st 2022 in Bratislava. It was organized by CEPIS and the Slovak Society for Computer Science in cooperation with the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics of the Comenius University in Bratislava, where the informatics teachers study program started 40 years ago in 1982.

Venue: Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics of the Comenius University in Bratislava Mlynska Dolina, Bratislava
Time: June 21st 2022, 13:00

13:00Welcome and Introduction (Branislav Rovan)
13:05Informatics in School and in Teacher Education (Ivan Kalaš)
13:30Erasmus+ Project: TeaEdu4CT(Gerald Futschek)
13:55AICA "Coding with Scratch" Courses for Teachers (Pierfranco Ravotto)
14:20Teaching Computer Science (Juraj Hromkovič)
15:00ESSA project (Erasmus +) (Pierfranco Ravotto)
15:25Informatics in Slovak Curriculum (Zuzana Kubincová)
15:50Discussion and Closing (Gerald Futschek, Branislav Rovan)

Thanks to all speakers for providing their presentations linked in the program above.